Frontiers in Crustacean Biology: Asian Perspectives: Part II

   The Crustacean Society and Carcinological Society of Japan present;

In light of recent development and internationalization of study of biology of crustaceans in Asia, it is the best time to start establishing Asian network of crustacean biology. In the symposium, people who are intensively studying crustaceans in Asian area or studying crustacean specimens collected from Asian area are invited to give a talk.

Greatly successful ! 

  The symposium was held on 27th May 2019 (Henry Cheng International Conference Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) during The Crustacean Society Mid-year Meeting in Hong Kong (26-30 May 2019).  

  The meeting was a great success; 200 people from 25 countries attended.

Symposium Program      27 May 2019

History of Carcinological Society of Japan

Akira Asakura, Kyoto University, Japan

Amphipods as prey for fish inhabiting Sargassum beds on the coast of Otsuchi Bay, Japan

Masafumi Kodama, The University of Tokyo

An updated checklist of the marine palaemonoid shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonoidea) of Korea

Jinho Park, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea

Is the coconut crab (Birgus latro) threatened with extinction? A review of the current evidence

Neil Cumberlidge, Northern Michigan University, USA

Current status of crayfish in Indonesia

Jiri Patoka, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic

Historic cultural value of the Japanese endangered freshwater crayfish, Cambaroides japonicus

Jason Coughran, Sheridan College, Australia

Taxonomic study of sea spider (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida) collected in Green Island, Taiwan

Damin Lee, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea

Taxonomic study of the Caprella scaura complex (Amphipoda: Caprellidae) from Eastern Asia

Ichiro Takeuchi, Ehime University, Japan

The feasibility of using environmental DNA to reveal crustacean biodiversity in an estuarine area in Hong Kong

Chi Chiu Cheang, The Education University of Hong Kong

Frontiers in Crustacean Biology: Asian Perspectives, Part I

The symposium was a great success!

October, 2017. The University of Tokyo (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute)

Photo, right.  From right to left. Jianhai Xiang (President Emeritus, Chinese Crustacean Society), Peter Kee Lin Ng (Singapore), Lim Shirley (President, The Crustacean Society; Singapore), Akira Asakura (President, Carcinological Society of Japan; Past President, The Crustacean Society), Benny K.K. Chan (Asian Governor, The Crustacean Society; Taiwan), Tsang Ling Ming (Hong Kong), Ka Hou Chu (Chairperson, The Crustacean Society Mid-Year Meeting 2019; Hong Kong)

© 2019 Carcinological Society of Japan. Designed by Akira Asakura (Seto Mab Biol Lab, Kyoto Univ)
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